Consignment Agreement.
Please read the terms and conditions below before signing the agreement.
Our Procedures:
1. Inventory: Upon receiving consignment items, Consignor shall receive an itemized list of all consigned items.
2.Pricing: Consignee agrees to sell Consignor’s items and share in any profits from the sales of such items. Consignee shall determine pricing on all consigned items using our pricing guidelines and ribbon system for item condition.
3. Payment: Consignee will collect a 40% commission on all items sold. When a consigned item sells, Consignor will receive payment 21 days following the date of the sale. (For example, if a consigned item sells on May 1st, the Consignor will receive payment on May 22nd.) The Consignor may choose between Venmo, PayPal or check. Please allow an extra 3-5 business days for check delivery. Consignor may also elect to donate the items or the proceeds of the sale to an organization, club or team of their choice. A letter with a check or items donated will be sent to the recipient of choice. The consignor will also receive a letter stating the amount of their donation or the value of the items donated.
4. Discounts: All items are consigned for a period of 270 days. During this period, Consignee reserves the right to discount unsold items in order to facilitate a sale at the following rate: a) at 90 days, items can be discounted 25% and b) at 180 days, the items will be discounted at 40% of the original pricing. In an effort to promote and market the items, Consignee may, from time to time, discount items, not to exceed 15% of the original pricing.
5. Unsold Items: If items remain unsold after 270 days, Consignee reserves the right to discount the items at their discretion and/or remove them from the inventory. If removed, Consignor will be able to choose from 3 options for their unsold items;
a) Consignor will pick up their items.
b) Consignee will ship items back to Consignor at Consignor’s expense.
c) items will be donated to an organization, club or team of choice.
6. Early Pick-Up: Any items that is picked up by the Consignor before the end of the 270 days of the agreement, a fee of $10 per item and any cleaning fees associated to the items will be charge to the Consignor.
7. Cleaning fees: Consignee will assess any cleaning fees, including but not limited to, boot cleaning, dry cleaning, laundering, etc. when items are first inspected by consignee. Written notice will be given to Consignor with amount of cleaning fees due. All fees will be deducted from Consignor’s sales revenues.
8. Unacceptable Items: 2nd Round Equestrian reserves the right to reject any items for any reason for resale. Items must be in good to new with tags condition to be accepted on consignment with the condition to be determined at Consignee’s discretion. Consignors sending potential consignment items by mail, or other means have the option, when such items are deemed unacceptable by 2nd Round Equestrian, of having items returned to Consignor, at Consignor’s expense. Consignor, who choose not to pre-pay for return fees, forfeit all rights, title and interest in such items, which shall be disposed at the sole discretion of 2nd Round Equestrian.
9. Warranty: Consignor warrants and agrees that the items to be consigned are owned by Consignor and that there are no liens, judgements, or other encumbrances against the ownership, including all right of sale or transfer of the consigned terms.
10. Risk of Loss: Damage or loss of items in shipping to Consignee are the risk of the Consignor. Consignor is responsible for purchasing and securing such insurance. Consignee only assumes possession and, therefore, risk of loss of items once received by Consignee. If loss or damage occurs, Consignee will only be responsible for either the cost of repair or the pre-determined consignor commission percentage of the sale of the item. This decision will be made by the consignee and the consignor will be notified.
11. Assignment: No party may assign or transfer this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.
12. Mediation: In the event of a dispute between the parties to this Agreement, the parties agree to participate in confidential mediation, with a meditator agreed to by both parties, before filing any lawsuit. The parties agree to share equally the costs of mediation.
13. Default: If breach of the terms and condition of this Agreement occurs by one party, the other party shall have the option to terminate this Agreement. On any breach, the other party shall have the right to recover expenses and costs within the parameters of the attorneys’ fees paragraph below.
14. Attorneys Fees: In the event that suit or arbitration is brought under or in connection with this Agreement or to enforce the Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the losing party reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and expenses incidental to any such proceedings, including reasonable attorneys fees incurred in collecting any judgment awarded as a result of liability established pursuant to this Agreement.
15. Voluntary: Each party fully understands the terms and conditions of this agreement and voluntarily enter into the same and believe its terms to be fair, just, adequate and reasonable.
16. Severability: The illegality or unenforceability of any provision of the Agreement of any instrument or agreement required hereunder shall not in any way affect or impair the legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.
17. Governing Laws and Venues: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Ohio. Any legal action commenced to enforce or interpret this Agreement shall be brought in Franklin County, Ohio. The parties hereto consent to both venue and jurisdiction in Franklin County, and any attempt to pursue legal action in any other state shall be void for lack of jurisdiction in that foreign court.
Payment Options:
Electronic Payment - 60% of the selling price will be sent to Consignor through either Venmo or PayPal.
Venmo Profile: ___________________________________________________________________________________
PayPal Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Check Payment - A check will be sent by mail if Consignor chooses this payment method. (please allow an additional 3-5 business days for check delivery)
Send Check to:___________________________________________________________________________________
Donation to Organization, Club or Team of Consignor choice: ___________________________________________
2nd Round Equestrian, LLC
990 Northstar Drive, Sunbury, OH 43074
614 370 6926 /
Consignor Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone#: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Date Consigned: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please circle an option for any unaccepted items:
Consignor will pick up their items.
Consignee will ship items back to Consignor at Consignor’s expense.
Items will be donated to an organization, club or team of choice.
By signing this Consignment Agreement, Consignor agrees to its terms and conditions.
Consignor’s Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________
Consignee’s Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________